Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cleaning House!

as most of you know by now, we're cleaning house! with my new co-leader, raevyn77, we're slowly but surely getting ALL of the lists up to date, and hopefully we'll be able to keep them that way! in the meantime, raevyn77 has started a NING group for us - it will help us keep membership much more current! so if you haven't yet, head on over there and sign up! we're hoping everyone will be able to do it by July 1st, and then our lists will be complete! if we don't hear from you, we'll assume that you're not able to be an active team member anymore - which is totally okay!

the ning site is here:

we'll also be having another TnS soon... so watch this space for the poll as to which dates work best for everyone!

any questions? let myself or raevyn77 know! and WELCOME, raevyn! we're so glad to have you on board!

xoxoox muffin