Saturday, August 21, 2010

team treasuries! go team TRADEAHOLICS!

We have a new forum thread on ning. It is for team treasuries!! A few members have pointed out that we should be using the treasuries to promote our team - get team members sales and maybe on the front page! So we are encouraging members to go out and make treasuries featuring team members. We have a very large team (858 members), and if we view, click and comment on each others team treasuries it could go a long way towards promoting and getting sales!! So we started a forum to post treasuries that you make featuring team members. Even if you don't make a treasury, please take a look at the thread and go to the treasuries that other members post. It only takes a small amount of time, and it is so helpful. Click and comment!!
(treasury courtesy of the lovely huggermugger!)

1 comment:

Rachel Kovaciny said...

Thanks for showing off my treasury! I love the idea of supporting and promoting each other with treasuries, and I've got a couple ideas for new ones already :-) Trade on!