Hi all!!! We've been working on updating all the lists and all the blogs and I can finally see the light! Thanks to everyone for being so patient with me and Ak while we do this! In celebration, we're kicking off our Fall TRADE AND REPLACE event this Saturday, October 4th, 2008! This one is going to go for TWO whole weeks, so be READY!!!!!
For our wonderful newbies, these are the rules for a "TnR":
1. Make sure that items that you are willing to trade (and you don't have to trade your whole shop) are tagged with "TEAM TRADE ON". That way, people can search your shop for your tradeable items. If you are looking to trade for specific items, please put it in your shop announcement so that everyone can see. For people on the list, I will also put it next to your shop name so that people know what you're looking for, so please let me know. (i.e. I don't necessarily need jewelry or artwork, but I'd love to trade for baby stuff, bath and body, and clothing. So i'll put that in my announcement.)
2. The Trade and Replace thread will be posted in "PROMOTIONS" - to help promote the event and our team! The first list this time will be made up of 15 of our newbies! (thank you to the volunteers!)
3. If there is someone on the list that you'd like to trade with, please convo them and approach them for the trade. Please negotiate fairly, and that includes making sure no one gets stiffed on shipping! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not be offended if the person you approach to trade says no. (I know that there are some things that I just can't use right now - it doesn't mean that your stuff isn't amazing!)
4. Once the trade is a done deal, then the both of you post what you got on the thread. If I, AkHotDoggies, IndulgentCreations or CreationsbyChristina are not around, the person who gets bumped OFF the list can update the list on the thread.
5. If there is something you cannot live without, you CAN purchase from someone on the list - and you will bump them off. Trading for money is okay too, LOL!
6. If the both the trader and the tradee are on the current list, then you both stay on the list.
7. You don't have to be on the list to trade - but you won't be put on the list unless you trade with someone on the list. (does that even make sense? LOL)
8. It is expected that you check your convos and the thread at least once a day during the event. With a Trade and Replace, the pace is a little slower because of the negotiation process, but it's not fair if you are on the list and you go away for a few days. People will most likely be sending you trade requests that you will not be answering, which will hold up the whole process. If you can't check in once a day while you're on the list, then please let me know and I'll replace you with someone.
9. It is suggested that if you are convoed by two or more people for a trade, the first person who convoed you (and is successful trading with you) will be the one to bump you off the list. Feel free to trade with the other people who convoed you, but it's only fair that the first one bumps you off the list.
10. I hope that there aren't any trade disputes during our event! However, if any one has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, IndulgentCreations and CreationsByChristina and we will try to help you work it out. We haven't had any huge brawls here yet, because we all are trading in good faith.
11. This part is going to suck but I'll have to say it. If it comes to light that you haven't traded in good faith, then your participation in other events, and your membership, will be in jeopardy. Trading is a way to benefit us ALL, and one person can ruin it for everyone. SO PLEASE TRADE FAIR! Also, we do not condone fee avoidance - it is definitely up to you to decide whether or not to change your prices for this event, but we would encourage everyone to play by the etsy rules as well.
So, over the next couple of days, think about what you need and tag your items! I will email everyone the thread, post it on the weekly thread, and post it here on the blog.
The list is as follows (in the order that people commented on the blog)
Any questions? Everyone ready? START YOUR BROWSING!!!!!!!
xoox muffin
So I am new at this, and I wont be home at all on saturday - Can I still play, does it go on for a couple days? Or do I have to wait till next month (trying to learn how it works) and also, can I ask to trade with anyone at any other times? or is it a one time event?
Thanks for letting me be a part of this!
Tina Marie Rey
tina - this one is going to go on for TWO weeks, so don't worry if you're not at home on Saturday! and we have them quite often, so don't worry!
Yaaaaa! I'm soo excited!
Im so excited and everythin in my shop is up for trade and even have fabric destash not listed yet
I am on the edge of my seat with anticipation! I guess I should go hurry to try to list more before these shenanigans start!
I am VERY psyched!!! I just have one question (sorry i'm a bit slow lol) :)
So we tag our trade items with "TEAM TRADE ON" and then we can search for those participating by typing "TEAM TRADE ON" in Etsy search? Hopefully this is correct, otherwise i need my morning coffee and i'll reread the rules :) :)
Happy Trading Everyone, i will tag my items asap!
this sounds great, I don't ever remember visiting this blog, but got an email this morning. I would love to be part of this big event. So I guess I am new to this, so I may has some questions.
I have traded a ton in the past, but never this way and it looks like a lot of fun! :)
Am I missing something???
Or is there not a "follow this blog" link on your page?
If you didn't know, you can now add that feature to your site. It is a N E W feature for blogspot. And it is really really cool.
I am so glad we are doing this! I really want to make it an Etsy Christmas, and I know that this event will help :D
I'll be there!!! :) I'll be popping in and out, but I'll stop in for sure! :) Yeah for trading!!! :)
I am very excited! :D I love these! I have such a huge family and I'd SO prefer to give them something unique and creative. :)
I love this group! ;)
I joined - can I get added to the list on here? I am sure there's a lot to keep up with! Thanks! Can't wait to make a trade!
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