Tuesday, September 8, 2009

$5 Tradeaholics Team Event!

the lovely booboomonsters has agreed to spearhead our very first TradeTeam $5 sale! in a nutshell, the TradeTeam $5 Sales event is a super easy sale. All participating shops have to do is have $5 items in their shop on the day of the sale... each shop can have as many $5 items as they wish. The $5 event highlights items in your shop that are $5.00, whether that is their regular price or a sale price.
More details to follow... including how to sign up for this event! what we need right now is to set a date - so go to the sidebar and VOTE!
remember, this is a SALE, not a trading event, LOL!!! we gotta pay our trading fees!
xoxoxo muffin, raevyn77 and booboomonsters
P.S. we have a sign up link now - http://tradeaholics.ning.com/forum/topics/tradeaholics-team-5-sale-sign so go here if you want to participate!


beckynot said...

Do we need to "register" to participate? :)

BooBooMonsters said...

Becky... we are deciding on the date first then we will have a sign up list... however you do not have to be on the list to participate, but it will put you on the list on the forum we will open... we will have tons of info going out about this so no worries

Becky said...

I just found you guys while I was in the esty forums. I am curious how the whole thing works. I opened an etsy shop in July 2009, and am still learning. If I am interested in this $5.00 event, how to I go about getting involved.
As I was reading in the blogs, I noticed something about tagging for trade, how does it work?
I would love to know the scoop.